Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Monkey Wrench Gang

Passage: " Off to the east beyond the towers I'd steel and glass and aluminum the mountains stood, the rough rock wall of the Sandias, transected now by an aerial tramway and topped with a spiky coronet of TV pylons. Where once bighorn sheep had patrolled the crags now the tourist played, the children plotting birds with their BB guns, Westward on the bleak horizon the three volcanoes, quiescent for the time being, rose like warts, black, wrinkled stubbed, against the haze of the afternoon. "

- I love the descriptive explaination of what the view looked like, making me feel as if i was there watching this view. Another thing that caught my attention was how it mentioned the urbanization occuring, when the children plotting birds with their BB guns is compared to the bighorn sheep that used to patrol the crags. My girlfriend is always mentioning about how animals are becoming extinct, so when i read this passage it made me think of her. Also when decribing the volcanoes that must be at far in the background if they are beign described warts. This passage can really paint a beautiful scenic picture in my head, which is why i enjoyed this passage.

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