Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How Long She'll Last in This World

I've never been attacked
by a bull bison, but I loved
beside one in a Wyoming winter.
He walked past my cabin each dusk,
bellowing like a lion scrawling
territory lines of sound
across the landscape.

That same winter, up north in Yellowstone,
rangers shot eleven hundred bison
as they plodded down a plowed road out of the park, noses tuned to the pitch
of grass-scent further west.
(killed them to save cattle from a rumor of contaigois bison disease)
Pg 17

- I endour this passage cause it reminds me of my animal loving girlfriend. Plus it also states another message on preventing the destruction of nature and the animal kingdom. The majority of the time the animal will attack if it fears that he is under attack or threatened. I also wish that one day i can visit this Yellowstone park because i have heard so much about it.

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