Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Explt oration of The Colorado River

I couldnt choose just one passage from the book so i decided to talk about how John Wesley Powell exploration brings back memories of when i took my vacation to Garner State Park with my family. There were several things that i thought that in a way resembled my vacation to Powell's exploration, i mentioned them in my final paper. The exploration was an event that i will never forget and im sure that goes for Powell on his exploration as well.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My First Summer In Sierra

Passage :
A grabs cloudland and five-minute shower, refreshing the blessed wilderness, already so fragrant and fresh, steeping the black meadow and dead leaves like tea. Pg.59

- I think it is stating that the five minute shower can have such an impact of steeping the black meadow. All the passages that i have chosen for my blogs have the same "nature is bueaty" meaning behind them and how refreshing and relaxing/soothing it can be when your reading those descriptive words, painting a picture in my head or being there.

Beyond The Hundredth Meridian


Agriculture was effortless: no forests needed clearing, manual tillage was not required, even the use of the plow was not essential, so eager were seeds to germinate in this paradise. As the plains were amply irrigated by underground and artesian waters, the plateau was watered by mountain streams of purest melted snow, and to arrange fields for
irrigation was no more trouble than fencing, which the ditches here superseded. Pg. 4

- The reason why i had chose this passage is because i like how it states how nature can be beautiful withouth being maintained. The word paradise makes me thing of a beautiful scenic picture that would be an amazing place to be. I found the underground irrigation of artesian waters remind me of some of the waterfalls from Utah.

How Long She'll Last in This World

I've never been attacked
by a bull bison, but I loved
beside one in a Wyoming winter.
He walked past my cabin each dusk,
bellowing like a lion scrawling
territory lines of sound
across the landscape.

That same winter, up north in Yellowstone,
rangers shot eleven hundred bison
as they plodded down a plowed road out of the park, noses tuned to the pitch
of grass-scent further west.
(killed them to save cattle from a rumor of contaigois bison disease)
Pg 17

- I endour this passage cause it reminds me of my animal loving girlfriend. Plus it also states another message on preventing the destruction of nature and the animal kingdom. The majority of the time the animal will attack if it fears that he is under attack or threatened. I also wish that one day i can visit this Yellowstone park because i have heard so much about it.

The Monkey Wrench Gang

Passage: " Off to the east beyond the towers I'd steel and glass and aluminum the mountains stood, the rough rock wall of the Sandias, transected now by an aerial tramway and topped with a spiky coronet of TV pylons. Where once bighorn sheep had patrolled the crags now the tourist played, the children plotting birds with their BB guns, Westward on the bleak horizon the three volcanoes, quiescent for the time being, rose like warts, black, wrinkled stubbed, against the haze of the afternoon. "

- I love the descriptive explaination of what the view looked like, making me feel as if i was there watching this view. Another thing that caught my attention was how it mentioned the urbanization occuring, when the children plotting birds with their BB guns is compared to the bighorn sheep that used to patrol the crags. My girlfriend is always mentioning about how animals are becoming extinct, so when i read this passage it made me think of her. Also when decribing the volcanoes that must be at far in the background if they are beign described warts. This passage can really paint a beautiful scenic picture in my head, which is why i enjoyed this passage.